About Us
The History of Covered Bridge
Covered Bridge Association, Inc, was organized as a nonprofit Corporation in April, 1975. The Articles of incorporaton, By-Laws and Restrictions and Covenants were formulated to provide for orderly development of the community. Mitchell Miller owned the land which was originally designated for manufactrued homes. The club house, swimming pool, water and sewer systems, roads and covered bridge were constructed and the first resident, a courageous single woman moved in.
A few years later, Mr. Miller began building Villas in the north section and the community developed rapidly between 1979 - 1983. Following this construction slowed until 1988, Mitchell Millers son, Stephen Miller began developing the manufactured home area. Platted for just under 400 units, the community is now more than half completed.
Early in the development, Mr. Miller encouraged the residents to organize in order to provide social activities and the clubhouse, thus the Covered Bridge Civic association was formed with elected officers and Board Members. Many activities evolved for the enjoyment of the residents, additional needs were perceived which resulted in the adoption of new By-Laws for the newly named Covered Bridge Homeowners Association. This new association provided expanded activities and services and greater participation by all residents. The "Echoes" news letter was born, a direcotry was published and many social and recreational activites were planned.
Shortly after the new By-Laws were adopted a local attorney made us aware of the importance of our association incorporating as a non profit corporation in order to legitimize our weekly bingo games and to protect all of our residents from possible law suits resulting from any injuries that may occur in the club house. If incorporated, suits can only be brought against the corporation. It is from the membership of this group that a 7 member board is elected to manage the affairs of the community.
During its history, Covered Bridge has made slow but steady improvement. We have lost many fine residents and have benefited from the expertise and dedication of many more. The input of new residents has contributed to healthy growth and guarded against stagnation. We have had our troubles, the Covered Bridge became uncovered in 1988. It had to be torn down because of voracious termites and an errant sod truck. Just a year later, the road bed collapsed and the bridge was closed to traffic by county authorities.
Though good times and bad, Covered Bridge has survived and is now a better functioning community than at its inception.
Continued, orderly, positive growth of Covered Bridge will be predicated on an informed and involved membership being aware of the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Restrictions and Covenants and making sure the decisions are made in the best interest of all residents.